Technical ServicesLeisure Green Care can save you time and money by utilising four main analysis tools: Water Analysis Water comes from many sources such as dams, creeks and water tanks, and greatly affects your greens, turf, fairways and tees. Knowing the components of your water supply, allows you to make informed decisions regarding turf grass management strategies. Soil Analysis A soil analysis presents an Actual Saturation and an Ideal Saturation which provide a benchmark to create the most effective nutrient program, allowing the turf grass to achieve its optimum level. Soil Particle Analysis A particle analysis should always be considered when re-using growing medium onsite where it has been excavated or stockpiled for later use. Time and money can be saved by making amendments to the soil prior to re-establishment thus avoiding the expense of importing unnecessary materials. Disease and Leaf Tissue Testing Our technical services team can help you diagnose any deficiencies or imbalances that can affect turf grass growth. |